Reset Windows Password using Ubuntu

Goto Synaptic Package Manager -> Settings -> Repositories -> Ubuntu Software and check  

 the “Software restricted by copyright or legal issues” checkbox. And don’t forget to reload synaptic.

setting repository synaptic package manager
  1. Install CHNTPW
  2. Install from Synaptic Package Manager or use this command on shell:
    sudo apt-get install chntpw
  3. Resetting Windows password
    • Mount your “Windows installed” device
    • It’s depending on your system, example:
      sudo mkdir /media/WINDOWS
      sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/WINDOWS
      On my system Windows installed on /dev/sda1 and I want to mount it to /media/WINDOWS that I’ve created before.
    • Goto your Windows system configuration folder
    • Located at [WINDOWS_DEVICE]/WINDOWS/system32/config/:
      cd /media/WINDOWS/WINDOWS/system32/config/
    • Cracking the SAM file
    • There a SAM file on Windows system configuration folder. That’s the file we’re looking for. Let’s crack it :) (sounds cool)
      chntpw SAM
      And if you see the output similar with image below, it’s mean you can crack the SAM file.
      reset windows password using chntpw
      As you see, there is 5 choices. Just type “1″ and press “ENTER” to reset your password.
      Note: I’ve try this on my system and work well! But I’ve never try another choices (2-4) yet, you can try yourself.
DONE!!! It’s easy, right? But if you’ve more easy step to reset Windows password, you can share here :)
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