NTM - Network Traffic Monitor Ubuntu

NTM Is a network traffic monitor for Linux (ubuntu, kubuntu, ecc). Characteristics: Integrate with linux NetworkManager; Autodisconnect when a threshold is reached; Day report; Console and Gui interface (gtk); Not need root privilege;

Some characteristics: 
* Choice of the interface to monitoring.
* Period to monitoring: Day, Week, Month, Year or Custom Days. With autoupdate.
* Threshold: Autodisconnection if a limit is reached (by NetworkManager).
* Traffic Monitoring: Inbound, outbount and total traffic; Show the traffic speed.
* Time Monitoring: Total time of connections in the period.
* Time Slot Monitoring: Number of sessions used.
* Reports: Show of average values and daily traffic of a configurable period.
* Online checking with NetworkManager or by “Ping Mode”.
* The traffic is attributed to the day when the session began.
* Not need root privilege.
* Not invasive, use a system try icon.

NTM is useful for the people that have a internet plan with a limit, and moreover the exceed traffic is expensive.NTM is write in python and is a open source software, the license is the GNU GPL v2.

Install NTM in ubuntu

First you need to download .deb package from here once you have .deb package install by double clicking on it or run the following command from your terminal

sudo dpkg -i ntm-1.2.1.deb
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