Ubuntu Window Switch - Move applications between networked computers

Window Switch is a tool which allows you to move applications between networked computers, the windows appear where you need them, as they were.
You no longer need to save and send documents to move them around, simply move the view of the application to the machine where you need it.

Key Features
* Shadow an existing display or another session
* Start sessions on remote (or local) machines using intuitive menus
* Disconnect from those sessions and re-connect when you need them again
* Send them to other machines with just one click
* Stays out of the way using a single icon in your system tray

System Design Features
* Portable: the code should be portable to almosty any platform, from mobile phones to data centers.
* Secure: It uses strong cryptography to authenticate both the server and clients.
* ZeroConf: using mDNS, local servers are detected automatically.
* Simple Line Protocol: the protocol used to communicate between the client and server is a simple single line text protocol.
* Performance: the system can preload sessions and tunnels, which makes starting new sessions very fast.
* Flexible: the sessions are accessible from Window Switch, but also using xpra directly, any NX client or any standard VNC client.
* Integration with file managers: Windows Explorer (on Windows) and Nautilus on Linux.

Cool Features
* Using blueproximity or similar tools, you can get the windows to follow you around without having to touch the computer. Window Switch will simply re-connect the windows to the computer which is nearest to you.
* Sound redirection: start playing some music on one computer, move the window to another, and the sound will go with it.

Install window switch in ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick) and Natty Narwhal (11.04)
Step 0: Administrator privileges
All the instructions below must be run as root, so open a terminal and become root:
sudo su -
Step 1: Import the packager’s key:
wget -O - http://winswitch.org/gpg.asc | apt-key add -
Step 2: Natty Narwhal (11.04) beta
echo “deb http://windowswitch.org/ natty main” > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winswitch.list;
apt-get update;
apt-get install winswitch
Step 2: Maverick Meerkat (10.10)
echo “deb http://windowswitch.org/ maverick main” > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winswitch.list;
apt-get update;
apt-get install winswitch
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